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Victoria Heavy Equipment Limited
作者姓名:Tom A. Poynter; Paul W. Beamish;
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B08M037
出版日期:2008/04/15內容長度:12 頁

Victoria Heavy Equipment (Victoria) was a family owned and managed firm which had been led by an ambitious, entrepreneurial chief executive officer who now wanted to take a less active role in the business. Victoria had been through two reorganizations in recent years, which contributed to organizational and strategic issues which would need to be addressed by a new president.

Victoria Heavy Equipment Limited (Traditional Chinese version)
作者姓名:Tom A. Poynter; Paul W. Beamish
出版日期:2004/12/15內容長度:14 頁

Victoria is a family owned and managed firm which has been led by an ambitious, entrepreneurial CEO who now wants to take a less active role in the business. Victoria has been through two reorganizations in recent years, and the case focuses on the organizational and strategic issues which will need to be addressed by a new president.

Vantage Heavy Equipment Limited (Revised)
作者姓名:Paul W. Beamish; Tom A. Poynter
出版日期:1996/11/22內容長度:14 頁

Vantage is a family owned firm which has been "led" by an ambitious, entrepreneurial CEO who now wants to take a less active role in the business. The company has been through two reorganizations in recent years, and performance has declined to a four-year low. The case focuses on the organizational and strategic issues which will need to be addressed by a new president.